Jenny Reitz is an ERYT-500 Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Meditator, Modern Mystic, and Spiritual Seeker. Her approach is humorous, down-to-earth, and relatable as she offers practices that help to consciously navigate emotional suffering and bring about a remembrance of our innate goodness and our interconnectedness to all things.

"If you are thinking about working with Jenny, I am very excited for you. She is an intelligent, creative, fun-loving, adventurous Being that goes to work for you.

The result is unexpected space for growth. Working with Jenny offers grace, fun, play, creative solutions and a chance to be loved by an angel."

- Nancy

"I am barely one module in and I already know this is exactly what my body and spirit need in this exact moment. Thank you so much for putting so much time and effort into this. It definitely already shows."


Hi, I’m Jenny

My personal journey has evolved through the years from being steeped in religion to finding a more open, spacious, and personal expression of spirituality that includes connecting directly with Divinity - and my own innate goodness - through practices I share in The Spiritual Embodiment Masterclass.

I've had the opportunity to learn tools from a number of different traditions and lineages including:

  • Hatha, Vinyasa and Bhakti Yoga
  • Tibetan Buddhism
  • Meditation in many forms
  • Energy work including Reiki and CranioSacral Therapy
  • Modern Mystery School practices
  • And more!

The Spiritual Embodiment Masterclass is ideal for anyone wanting practical, actionable, mindfulness-based tools to navigate the challenges of life and live from the fullness of your Being. I hope you will accept the invitation and join me!