Mangala Charanam - A Dedication

Mangala Charanam

I would like to officially open our time together with the Mangala Charanam - a mantra where we offer our respect and gratitude to all of our teachers and guides. (Mangala means feet and Charan means happy. You walk in joy when you surround yourself with this sacred vibration.)

We also honor ourselves and each other for being here - on this path of consciousness. We finish by asking for nothing more than the desire to serve - recognizing that this is the greatest desire one can have (Maha Mantra).

This mantra was passed down to me from my Bhakti Yoga teachers and is in alignment with my teaching lineage. There are variations of Mangala Charanam mantras depending on the lineage and tradition.

I begin all of my practices with this dedication. For me, it perfectly sets the tone for any endeavor to know ourselves more fully. It's a great reminder that we are exactly where we are thanks to the grace and benevolence of many - including both seen and unseen support and generations upon generations of spiritual seekers before us.

I've included the words of the mantra in Sanskrit along with the translation. Don't get too caught up on the literal translation of this or any mantra. As with all mantras, I want to encourage you to see how they feel in your body. Let your experience guide you.

I would also like to set the intention that any benefits we receive from the practices in this course be offered back up to the Whole for the highest good of all humanity. I ask that as we hold this space for ourselves that it act as a placeholder for all of humanity and a means for raising the collective consciousness.

And so it is.

Let us begin. ❤️

As you listen to this mantra, close your eyes, take your hands to your heart, and allow your soul to directly experience this beautiful prayer. Pause in the stillness and feel how the vibration stays even after the sound is gone.

Silence is the place where infinite possibilities exist.

Mangala Charanam with Translation.pdf
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