
Hi! Have I mentioned that I'm happy you're here? (I am!)

You can watch the welcome video or read the transcript. Don't forget to scroll to the bottom of this page to read A Little Bit About Me and A Little More About the Course. xoxo

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

My name is Jenny Reitz. Professionally, I am an ERYT-500 yoga teacher, healing practitioner, studio manager, spiritual educator, and developer of the Spiritual Embodiment Masterclass. My most heartfelt intention is to offer practices that bring about a remembrance of the universal truth of our interconnectedness to all things through the use of spiritual and soulful practices.

Personally, I am a mother, partner, yoga practitioner, meditator, spiritual seeker, and lover of coffee, nature and deep conversations. I am a student of Life and the practice of weaving the everyday with the sacred - because, in reality, it's all sacred.

And guess what?!

I am SO happy you’re here! In fact, I could not be more delighted that you’ve decided to join me on this journey to go within and learn more about yourself through this Spiritual Embodiment Masterclass.

I created this course because I had to. 

As a result of the last several years spent in very deep introspection, inquiry, and meditation, it became clear to me that I had something to say and I couldn’t not say it. I was journaling a lot about my “why” and really getting to the heart of why my soul chose to be here, my greater purpose, why I came to earth at this exact time in history and what is it that I can contribute to humanity as a whole? Once I distilled it down, this is what became abundantly clear to me:

I came here to help people do 3 things: connectremember, and elevate. And, we are going to explore these three things through the spiritual embodiment masterclass and really dive deep into how these three ideas can really change the shape of your reality in addition to that of the collective reality.

So first, connect:

I want to help humanity connect with the innate intelligence that exists deep within our cells by mining our somatic experiences. Somatic simply means “of the body” so, somatic intelligence is the body’s intelligence. Somatic experience is the experience we have within the body. There is so much wisdom available to us if we just learn to decode the language of our body.


Remember. So much of the suffering we encounter in our world is because we have forgotten that at the most basic level of existence, we are all connected – I call it The Great Forgetting. Once we connect with our somatic intelligence, then we begin to recognize that same intelligence within all beings – and all of creation. As a result, we remember our interconnectedness to all things.

And, then

Finally, as we operate from a place of deep inner-knowing of connection to ourselves and others, we begin to elevate our consciousness and step into the highest expression of our Soul. In so doing, we pave the way for others to do the same – thus elevating the consciousness of humanity. How cool is that?!

As you can imagine, these concepts are not easily grasped within the context of a single conversation and can’t necessarily be transmitted in the span of a one-hour yoga class – especially if you’re just embarking on a spiritual path or if your current way of thinking is in direct conflict with these ideas (which is fine – this is a place to begin).

This is why I created the course. I needed a platform where I could have what we could call an extended conversation where I could communicate these ideas and share with you the yogic tools and soulful practices that I have learned and utilized through my life to navigate the challenges of life, certainly, but also to begin to go beyond and step into the highest expression of my soul in this lifetime. Moving from a place of not just surviving but thriving. We begin the journey by connecting with our somatic intelligence, remembering our interconnectedness to all beings and finally elevating our consciousness and as a result – elevating the consciousness of humanity.

So this is my goal. It might be a lofty one, but I am so delighted that you have decided to join me on this journey. Let’s dive in and have some fun!

A Little Bit About Me and A Little More About the Course

I have been doing yoga since 1999 and I’ve had a formal meditation practice for the last 10 years. By nature, I am what you would call a grounded person (almost 40% of my astrological elemental makeup is Earth, if you’re into that stuff). As a result, much of my spiritual journey has been somatic - meaning, I feel sensations and receive intuitive insights through my body. For a long time, I thought this meant my journey was less than because I didn't get strong visualizations or auditory messages like some of my fellow practitioners. As it turns out, I was having the exact experience that I needed in this lifetime.

I am incredibly blessed to have been gifted many exceptional teachers who I met at the perfect time in my journey. Through my seen and unseen support team, I have begun to decode the language of my body and utilize it as my strongest tool for intuition.

As of today, I am a yoga teacher, reiki master, and mother (If you know, you know that’s the hardest job of all!). I manage Indra’s Grace Yoga in Weatherford, Texas where I teach group classes, offer energy healing work, and co-lead a yearly yoga teacher training program as well as international retreats with the studio owner, Sandra Vanatko.

The tools I’m offering throughout this course are things I legit do on a regular basis to help me stay grounded (and sane) in my daily life – whether it’s navigating my romantic relationship, juggling the responsibility of managing a studio, or riding the waves of parenthood. I reference several texts and teachers (to whom I am eternally grateful); however, the core lessons come from the things that I struggle with the most or find to be the most potent practices in my own life. 

Let’s get real here for a moment, too.

Sometimes, it’s really hard: being on this path, committing to spiritual growth, life. Give yourself a LOT of grace. Take breaks when you need to. Modify the practices when you need to. Remember that you’re in charge – you can always ask your spiritual support team to pump the breaks and slow things down if it suddenly feels like you’re drinking from a fire hydrant. 

With all this being said, I encourage you to dive in. Give this your all and see what you find. I hope you are pleasantly surprised! May the journey take you exactly where you need to go. 

Again, I want to thank you for being here – from the depth of my soul to yours. It means more to me than you can imagine.

May we connect, remember, and elevate for the benefit of ourselves and all of humanity. And so it is!

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